Everything starts with a why!

Our Planet Earth - healthy and worth living

It is my deepest belief that the plants on this planet represent the real 'treasure of the earth' and that they are supposed to be available to all the living beings on this planet. We have become a long way off from nature that
it seems quite normal to consume synthetic chemicals, whereas natural substances such as essential oils are rather intimidating.
And yet essential oils are the purest essence of plants there is and they carry a great potential to support us.

Our daily chemical burden is enormously high. The average women applies 300 different chemicals to her body each day - 80 of them even before breakfast with shampoos, soaps, makeup and hair care products alone.
What we eat, ingest, apply to our skin, what care products we use and how we clean our homes is our decision.

Essential oils offer an opportunity to swap everything synthetic out of your house.
Banish chemicals from your life. Do a favour to youself, your family, our drinking water - the whole planet

It is up to you!
Being part of something bigger

The vision
Bringing the essential oils of Young Living to every household in the world. To make every household EVERY household, is the
work of the D. Gary Young ~ Young Living Foundation.

The Mission
The Foundation is committed to helping people in under-privileged areas of the world and to empower them to live up to their potential despite their adverse circumstances of life.
Health, education and self-determination are the keys to
long-term change.

The Foundation is committed to a world where children are provided with the resources and opportunities necessary to become confident, self-reliant leaders who can take control of their own health, provide for their families, and positively change their community.
To this end, the Foundation supports its own projects and supports many partner organizations.
Any resulting organizational costs will be covered by Young Living. So, every penny of donated funds reaches the needy.

You have many possibilities to get involved in the work of the Foundation: Make a donation, round up your order to the next dollar, or personal engage at home or on site in the project areas.
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